Broken document with hyperlink in a header

I use docx4j and docx4j-ImportXHTML and faced with the issue while I need to parse html and put in a header.
As a result I got the broken document. Because the line
is not in the header.xml.rels, but in the document.xml.rels
Any suggestions?
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public class HeaderExample {
private static ObjectFactory objectFactory = new ObjectFactory();
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
WordprocessingMLPackage wordMLPackage = WordprocessingMLPackage.createPackage();
MainDocumentPart mdp = wordMLPackage.getMainDocumentPart();
Relationship styleRel = mdp.getStyleDefinitionsPart().getSourceRelationships().get(0);
Relationship relationship = createHeaderPart(wordMLPackage);
createHeaderReference(wordMLPackage, relationship); File("data/docx/Header.docx"));
public static Hdr getHdr(WordprocessingMLPackage wordprocessingMLPackage) throws Exception {
Hdr hdr = objectFactory.createHdr();
XHTMLImporterImpl xhtmlImporter = new XHTMLImporterImpl(wordprocessingMLPackage);
List<Object> textContent = xhtmlImporter.convert("<html><body><a href=\"\">GOOGLE</a></body></html>", null);
return hdr;
public static Relationship createHeaderPart(WordprocessingMLPackage wordprocessingMLPackage) throws Exception {
HeaderPart headerPart = new HeaderPart();
Relationship rel = wordprocessingMLPackage.getMainDocumentPart().addTargetPart(headerPart);
return rel;
public static void createHeaderReference(WordprocessingMLPackage wordprocessingMLPackage, Relationship relationship) throws InvalidFormatException {
List<SectionWrapper> sections = wordprocessingMLPackage.getDocumentModel().getSections();
SectPr sectPr = sections.get(sections.size() - 1).getSectPr();
if (sectPr == null) {
sectPr = objectFactory.createSectPr();
sections.get(sections.size() - 1).setSectPr(sectPr);
HeaderReference headerReference = objectFactory.createHeaderReference();
As a result I got the broken document. Because the line
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<Relationship TargetMode="External" Target="" Type="" Id="rId4"/>
is not in the header.xml.rels, but in the document.xml.rels
Any suggestions?