first of all let me thank you for making this awesome library and keep improving it

Ok, now let's talk about my question.
I'm working on a program that will let user export some documents in PPTX format and everything seems to work fine, but I don't know how to color a text. I saw some Pptx documents to see how it Works and after that I upload the document to get the auto-generated code, but it shows an error on the strange part:
In the Pptx docs the code is like this:
Original Code
- Code: Select all
<a:rPr lang="es-ES_tradnl" sz="800" b="1" dirty="0" err="1" smtClean="0">
<a:srgbClr val="FF0000"/>
- Code: Select all
// RED Color
String rgbColor = "FF0000";
CTTextCharacterProperties textCharacterProperties = regulartextrun.getRPr();
if (textCharacterProperties == null) {
textCharacterProperties = dmlFactory.createCTTextCharacterProperties();
CTSolidColorFillProperties solidColorFillProperties = dmlFactory.createCTSolidColorFillProperties();
CTSRgbColor ctSolidRgbColor = dmlFactory.createCTSRgbColor();
As you can see, the srgbClr val property have a String but in Pptx4j API Val property gets a byte Array, so I tried to call rgbColor.getBytes() but that's not the way(the pptx crashes after that because there is a very large number). I think is a library problem, but it's not my library so could you please tell me how to make this work?
Thank you for all your work