I am using the below code to generate section-break (continuous) in my document report. But the last section-break gets modified into type "Next-Page" automatically. Even if I try to modify that manually, the last section-break always become "Next-Page".
Requesting help on this regard please.
"<w:p xmlns:w=\"http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/wordprocessingml/2006/main\" w:rsidR=\"00C638CD\" w:rsidRDefault=\"00C638CD\" w:rsidP=\"002979B6\">" +
"<w:pPr>" +
"<w:sectPr w:rsidR=\"0008038F\" w:rsidSect=\"00C26E80\">" +
"<w:type w:val=\"continuous\"/>" +
"<w:pgSz w:w=\"11906\" w:h=\"16838\" w:code=\"1\"/>" +
"<w:pgMar w:gutter=\"0\" w:footer=\"567\" w:header=\"567\" w:left=\"1134\" w:bottom=\"1134\" w:right=\"567\" w:top=\"1134\"/>" +
"<w:cols ...