I'm trying to create a table with docxj4. i created the table but without borders. I'm looking for but dont find anything. Any help will be grateful. Thanks for the attention and a salute. This is the code public static Tbl createTable(int rows, int cols, int cellWidthTwips) {
log.info("Creando la tabla |||||||||||"); Tbl tbl = Context.getWmlObjectFactory().createTbl();
I need to merge/concatenate docx documents. I saw this blog post http://www.docx4java.org/blog/2010/11/merging-word-documents/ , it describes an utility that does what I need to do, but does not say how to get this utility. Is it a part of DOCX4J distribution? What class/method?
I'm sure it should be obvious to me when I look at docs or samples, but I don't see how I can use the API to add a footer to all pages except the first.
I'd appreciate it if someone could point me in the right direction.
I'm triying to create a docx archive and i'm looking for default styles in docx4j but i didn't find it. I would be very grateful that someone help me. I'm really trying to put bullets but all the info recived is welcome. Thank you for attention and a salute
I want to start using this library and I couldn't find any documentation, maybe e-book with examples or something. Please if someone could direct me to documentation for beginners.
Hi there. I've been trying to make the following code work for two days now, but I'm getting nowhere. It runs, but when I open the resulting pptx it says the target slide is corrupted - what am I missing/doing wrong?