Hi jason, Ms word has shape element drawn using w:drawing tag. After searching on internet I found that wordprocessingshape are not part of open office xml specification and not implemented in docx4j library as well. So do you have any plan of development of these components ? Also if it does it available under license please mention.
Regards, Pankaj G
Read more :<wps:wsp> tag | Views : 2146 | Replies : 7
We are using the export-fo API to convert a word document to PDF. If the word is a full page document with a header(The word document fits into a single page), the pdf generated fits into two pages instead of one page. Please advise if this I a known issue and if there is solution for this problem. Reducing the margin or using a smaller font are some of the workarounds, we are using to ...
are there methods to help find which list items belong together when they don't have the same numId. For example, in word, these display as the same list - one at level 2 and the next at level 3 -- but in the xml, they have different numId values
I have a word template with many text fields and checkboxes How to use docx4j to update values of these text fields (tontents) and check/uncheck checkboxes? I basically want to fill docx form programmatically using docx4j Is it possible?
I'm trying to achieve DOCX to PDF or XHTML transformation with Math equations. I saw that Docx4j does not support OMML. I also tried to search the forum, I was able to find some quite old threads that are not really helping me.
So I am trying to pre-process the DOCX before sending it to DOCX4J. I used Apache POI to iterate over the paragraphs and I was able to transform equations into MathML ...