Having the following XML available from a template file:
- Code: Select all
<w:p w14:paraId="710890F1" w14:textId="3CDF1A39" w:rsidR="00751418" w:rsidRPr="00751418" w:rsidRDefault="00751418" w:rsidP="000F57DD">
<w:spacing w:before="40" w:after="40"/>
<w:rFonts w:eastAsia="Times New Roman" w:cs="Times New Roman"/>
<w:sz w:val="18"/>
<w:szCs w:val="18"/>
<w:bookmarkStart w:id="0" w:name="_GoBack"/>
<w:bookmarkEnd w:id="0"/>
I want to find the paragraph properties available inside the following paragraph. However when trying to display the paragraph children, only the bookmarkStart and bookmartEnd tags are available. The corresponding code, omitting the paragraph retrieval, ...