I have cloned the docx4all project and I could compile the project after some hurdles, but I have stumbled upon the following problems :
1) There is an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in TableView.java at line spans[cell] = columnSpans[col]; for index 1.
2) After catching that exception, I am getting <proofErr></proofErr> tags before every element in a table cell, also the formatiing is all messed up. But if I save the docx file, the formatting is maintained.
For compiling I have done changes in :
1) FontManager.java commented out the condition at line : if (! sun.font.FontManager.fontSupportsDefaultEncoding(theFont)).
2) Could not find xalan-patched jar so used xalan jar.
Using docx4j 3.0.1 for compiling created more errors, so using the 2.7.1 version for compiling.
So any pointers in what could help me open a docx file correctly would be great. Thanks in advance !