mimo_2020 wrote:Do you know if 2.7.0 will support MS Office 2010 version of docx.
mimo_2020 wrote:Any progress on the OpenDoPE Word Add-In (ie will it be promoted from pre-alpha to alpha)?
tinne wrote:Manually removing the primary choices for the "fallback" ones makes the relevant document parts docx4j-processable, but every "save as" restores the alternate content sections, and jaxb throws the whole subtrees away.
tinne wrote: I see no proper solution unless to add them to the schemas some day and regenerate the jaxb classes,
tinne wrote:Custom XML and Word 2010 bibliographies. If you create a new document in Word 2010, it brings a CustomXML part containing an empty bibliography as a CustomXML part, which is unknown to the OpenDoPE-Word-Plug-in and - as long as there are no bibliography references (didn't test with) - without relationships to any document part and thus ignored by the docx4j part loader. However, sometimes the Word-Plug-in gets confused and presents the bibliography part instead of the CustomXML part I'm interested in, and I did not find out why and how to mend this, except for manually removing the whole bibliography part and its relationship files from the docx archive.
tinne wrote:Therefore, it could be a leap forward to first add all word 2010 namespaces to the namespace mapper and explicitely rule out CustomXML parts adhering to the bibliography namespace from being identified as normal docx4j CustomXML parts.
List<Object> jaxbNodesViaXPath = documentMainPart.getJAXBNodesViaXPath("//w:t", false);
String xml = XmlUtils.marshaltoString(wmlDocumentEl, false);
Document document = (Document) XmlUtils.unmarshallFromTemplate(xml, tagValues);
docx4j_user wrote:But there are still mismatches in namespaces, and as I am not aware of the usages of each namespace. I want you to verify and let me know that will these mismatch create any problem while using the document later on.
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