Sorry for my english in advance because i'm not a native speaker. I'm new in this forum and docx4j.
I have created a kind of template document in which i want to store all my styles (such as heading 1/2/3/4, normal and so on)
I load the styles of this document in a new document
- Code: Select all
//get styles from old document
WordprocessingMLPackage oldPkg = WordprocessingMLPackage.load(oldDoc);
Styles oldStyles = (Styles)oldPkg.getMainDocumentPart().getStyleDefinitionsPart().getJaxbElement();
//apply styles from old document to new document
WordprocessingMLPackage newPkg = WordprocessingMLPackage.createPackage();
StyleDefinitionsPart styleDefinitionsPart = new StyleDefinitionsPart();
and now I want to use these styles for my paragraphs. For this reason i would like to get a pStyle Object or something from my styleDefinitionsPart but i dont know how.
I also tried to work with a StyleTree
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but i dont know how to get the style out of the style tree, because the single elements of the tree are nodes and can't converted to something like PStyle.
last but not least i tried to use the addStyledParagraphofText() function of mainDocumentPart directly but if i write something like this:
- Code: Select all
mainDocumentPart.addStyledParagraphofText("heading 1", "My Text");
it doesnt work.
Now, after trying for about 4 hours i'm tired.
I hope anyone can tell me a solution.
In summary i want:
1) transfer my styles from one to another document (that works already)
2) use these transfered styles for my paragraphs
Looking forward for any reply.