When using docx4j inside tomcat on windows, we notice that the docx4j jar is not removed when the webapp is redeployed. This prevents redeployment. It seems there are a number of resource streams that are obtained (for templates, xslt files,etc) but never closed, and this may prevent the jar from being unloaded by tomcat.
I have a patch locally that fixes these issues, but I cannot get the trunk code to compile due to 9 missing maven dependencies.
1) org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons.ppp:parent-pointer-plugin:jar:1.0
2) org.apache.xmlgraphics:xmlgraphics-commons:jar:1.3.757686
3) docx4j:fop-patched:jar:0.95.756437
4) com.sun.jmx:jmxri:jar:1.2.1
5) org.apache.commons:commons-vfs-patched:jar:1.9.1
6) com.sun.jdmk:jmxtools:jar:1.2.1
7) net.arnx:wmf2svg:jar:0.8.3
8) org.apache.poi:hwpf:jar:3.4.0
9) xalan:xalan-patched:jar:2.7.0
Are these files in a maven repo file somewhere I can point at?
Where should I send the patch?