To repeat a table row, you need to wrap it in a "repeat" content control.
Such a content control contains a tag like:
Using xml Syntax Highlighting
<w:tag w:val="od:repeat=x2"/>
Parsed in 0.000 seconds, using
In this example, od:repeat refers to an XPath x2, for example:
Using xml Syntax Highlighting
<od:xpath id="x2">
<od:dataBinding storeItemID="{8b049945-9dfe-4726-9de9-cf5691e53858}" xpath="/invoice[1]/items/item"/>
Parsed in 0.001 seconds, using
Please see further I see that your XPath has a [1] next to certain fields -- in this case, next to 'invoice' and 'item'. What is this for? Thus far, I've been setting my XPath by clicking on the XML tag in the OpenDoPE editor (i.e. usually something like /example/items/item/description). Yet yours looks like /invoice[1]/items/item[1]/name
Shouldn't matter, [1] just means the first; please refer to the XPath spec. Some authoring tools might insert it.
I haven't been able to edit/add tags (I can see the tags but can't seem to populate them w/a value). Are tags for purely cosmetic purposes or do they serve another functionality? How can I add a tag?
The w:tag is critical; please see above.
The first row in your 'invoice.docx' file is already populated with "apples" and "$20". No rows have been populated in my template at design time, as all of the data is to come from the XML at run-time. Unlikely, but could this be the source of my issue?
That's Word automatically evaluating the plain binds against the Custom XML part present in the docx. There has to be a sample Custom XML part in the docx at design time; docx4j replaces this at run time