Another question.
Say I have a master document + multiple other documents. Multiple other documents can have their own styles, headers, footers, endnotes, numbering etc.
I upload multiple other documents to master document.
There will be addition of different parts, relationshipids and matching to main document/rels document etc.
For e.g. numbering.xml will have a different abstractNumId/NumId for same kind of hierarchy & bullet/number. To make sure that an uploaded document has it's original bullet style, I have to make sure that numbering.xml at master document is appended with another documents tag containing numid/abstractnumId/the bullet definition. And the numId/abstractNumIds need to be unique. If I append with a new id, I should use that in main document <w:numId w:val="x"/>
In a nutshell, for any parts related xml file, I should use the JAXB generated objects for corresponding elements or make reasonable size xml tag snippet and alter content of those files. Same as the way I play with Main document being compliant with openOfficeXml schemas.
If I wish to have fine grained API like addHeader(), addFooter(), updateNumbering(), I should write them. Is my synopsis correct?