it took me a while to pick up all the new sources, install the new SCM tools and stuff. There we go, the attached maven fixes should help build docx4j (2.7.1, trunk), xhtmlrenderer aka. flyingsaucer and OpenDoPE-simple to build under maven. Also, there is no simple "create patch in eclipse git", so time to learn a bit of the foolish command line tool (yeah, waitin' for the flame war...)
Things I think should be adapted:
- gpg support should be optional. I moved it to the profile sign-artifacts, so "mvn -Psign-artifacts" in order to have your jars signed. "mvn" to live without the official signature.
- OpenDoPE-WAR now depends on 2.8.0-SNAPSHOT (2.7.1 might have been as good) and the current snapshots of the maven-tomcat(6)-plugin, which has been moved and re-coordinated by ASF
- added a few maven version plugins and remove obsolete legacy archive in order to quite the build tool (optional).