I've successfully converted my docx to a PDF file, but I have some questions about the result:
1- Some log4j warnings appeared on the result file.
- I've downloaded the log4j.xml file from "src/main/resources", put it in my classpath, added "-log4j.configuration=lib/log4j.xml" to my VM args and then included in the file:
- Code: Select all
<logger name="org.docx4j.convert.out.pdf.viaXSLFO">
<level value="info"/>
However, that didn't make the warnings disappear. What else I need to do?
2- On the output file, the left and bottom margin are set to 0, while the top and right margin are correct.
- How can I modify the margin values?
3- On some parts of the PDF, a '?' char appears at the begining of the sentence, but the docx doesn't show any char.
- How can I remove these '?' chars?
Heitor Florido