For starters, if things aren't working as you expect, don't try to do it all in one line of code...
It looks/sounds like you are trying to cast wml.R to javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement
That won't work, and you should expect the exception. See ... suspect you want to know whether the R content is instrText? At ... java#L3364
Using java Syntax Highlighting
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link Text }{@code >}}
= "", name
= "instrText", scope
= R.
public JAXBElement
> createRInstrText
(Text value
) {
return new JAXBElement
>(_RInstrText_QNAME, Text.
class, R.
class, value
Parsed in 0.014 seconds, using
Start by iterating through the content and printing out the name of the objects. If it is a JAXBElement, cast to that and use JAXBElement's methods to see what it wraps.