I am quite new to docx4j.
I have been in trouble

I made docx template file and setted xpath using "Word 2007 Content Control Toolkit" and generated xml file.
but I leand that I should not using toolkit. instead I leand I should use OpenDoPE.
this link give me little hint. I don't understand well. (http://www.docx4java.org/forums/data-binding-java-f16/need-help-in-repeated-binding-t827.html)
how can i generate dynamic word file?
I must make a lump Questions & Answers dynamically.
my plan
1)make template docx file (using content control)
2)xpath setting to docx for xml mapping
3)xml data mapping(binding) to template docx file
and then present data in word.
but I want to know how to generate repeat q&a area dynamically.
I uploaded sample image file.
plz show code sample

It's too difficult for me