I am using docx4j to deal with word document formatting. I have one word document which is divided in number of tables. I want to read all the tables and if I find some keywords then I want to take those contents to another word document with all the formatting. My word document is as attached.
Like from attachment I want to take content which is below Some Title. Here my keyword is Sample Text. So whenever Sample Text gets repeated, content needs to be fetched to new word document.
I am using following code.
MainDocumentPart mainDocumentPart = null;
WordprocessingMLPackage docxFile = WordprocessingMLPackage.load(new File(fileName));
mainDocumentPart = docxFile.getMainDocumentPart();
WordprocessingMLPackage wordMLPackage = WordprocessingMLPackage.createPackage();
ClassFinder finder = new ClassFinder(Tbl.class);
new TraversalUtil(mainDocumentPart.getContent(), finder);
Tbl tbl = null;
int noTbls = 0;
int noRows = 0;
int noCells = 0;
int noParas = 0;
int noTexts = 0;
for (Object table : finder.results) {
tbl = (Tbl) table;
// Get all the Rows in the table
List<Object> allRows = DocxUtility.getDocxUtility()
.getAllElementFromObject(tbl, Tr.class);
for (Object row : allRows) {
Tr tr = (Tr) row;
// Get all the Cells in the Row
List<Object> allCells = DocxUtility.getDocxUtility()
.getAllElementFromObject(tr, Tc.class);
for (Object cell : allCells) {
Tc tc = (Tc) cell;
// Get all the Paragraph's in the Cell
List<Object> allParas = DocxUtility.getDocxUtility()
.getAllElementFromObject(tc, P.class);
for (Object para : allParas) {
P p = (P) para;
// Get all the Run's in the Paragraph
List<Object> allRuns = DocxUtility.getDocxUtility()
.getAllElementFromObject(p, R.class);
for (Object run : allRuns) {
R r = (R) run;
// Get the Text in the Run
List<Object> allText = DocxUtility.getDocxUtility()
.getAllElementFromObject(r, Text.class);
for (Object text : allText) {
Text txt = (Text) text;
System.out.println("No of Text in Para No: " + noParas + "are: " + noTexts);
System.out.println("No of Paras in Cell No: " + noCells + "are: " + noParas);
System.out.println("No of Cells in Row No: " + noRows + "are: " + noCells);
System.out.println("No of Rows in Table No: " + noTbls + "are: " + noRows);
System.out.println("Total no of Tables: " + noTbls );