I need to write some text value from the data source into bookmark in the existing word document.
with help of this https://github.com/plutext/docx4j/blob/master/src/samples/docx4j/org/docx4j/samples/BookmarksReplaceWithText.java sample code i could able to do that.
my problem is, the inserted text style doesnt match with the existing bookmark para (please see the sample generated word document in attachment).
I am trying to get the bookmark parent paragraph style and to set the same style to the Run, How can I do this?
I also face similar effect while inserting table row. the Table row allignment doesnt match with the table. (ie I need some colomn to be right alligned but it always left alligned) does it has to be solved in the same manner? like finding to colomn style and to set the style while inserting row? how can i fix this?
Please help me.
thanks in advance