but i'm unable to read it.
and getting "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException"
here is code...
- Code: Select all
Drawing drw = (Drawing) XmlUtils.unwrap(drawingObjList.get(0));
if(drw != null)
List<Object> grp = ((Drawing) XmlUtils.unwrap(drw)).getAnchorOrInline();
if( grp != null)
Graphic grpdata = ((Inline) XmlUtils.unwrap(grp.get(0))).getGraphic();
byte[] imgBytes = BinaryPartAbstractImage.getImage(wProcessorPackage, grpdata);
RenderedImage renderImage = ImageIO.read(new ByteArrayInputStream(imgBytes));
ImageIO.write(renderImage, "jpg", new File("/Users/gwuser164/Desktop/Images/image.jpg"));
here i'm getting bytes array but unable to use.
hope it's enough to understand.
any help.....