docx4j 2.7.1 release candidate is now available at
This will form the basis of the 2.7.1 release. In fact, unless there are significant issues over the next week or so, this will become the 2.7.1 release! So please try it out and report back, positive or negative...
It is mainly a maintenance release, but things of note include:
* Preparation for including docx4j in Maven Central
* mc:AlternateContent preprocessor, allowing graceful degradation of Word 2010 specific content
*, supports configuration of default page size, margins, orientation; also ability to set some of the doc props metadata (Application & AppVersion; dc.creator & dc.lastModifiedBy).
* HtmlExporterNG2,(Pdf)Conversion, SvgExporter: storing any images is delegated to a
ConversionImageHandler that may be passed as a conversion parameter. Default implementation: DefaultConversionImageHandler
* OpenDoPE changes - see summary post in the sub-forum
For contributors to this release and a more complete list of changes, please see ... README.txt
Thanks very much to everyone who contributed to this release (candidate!).