I have been investigating docx4j for its capabilities for document merging (document assembly could be a more apt word).
Primarily I was looking at the library for following aspects:
1. support for Document Assembly by Copy (equals to MS WORD Insert > Object > Text from File >Insert behavior) : When we do it in the word, this will result in a target document containing all the source contents (including styles, comments etc) in it. So its essentially kind of copy and paste behavior and all the copied source contents in the target document can be manipulated (processed). Is this feature supported by Docx4J?
I am looking for the capabilities to manipulate all the contents in the target document which this feature provides. My findings are that its supported through the MergeDocx extension but not directly. Is that right?
2. AltChunks are processed by word processor itself when the document is opened in the ms word. Does Docx4J has capabilities to process the AltChunks?
My findings with this too is that its supported through extension MergeDocx.
3. Assembly By reference: Similar to MS WORD Insert > Object > Text from File > Inset as Link behavior. Using Docx4j, can we create an target docx which references the source documents? The changes in the source docx can be brought back in the target docx with a refresh. Also this feature allow manipulation (processing) of all the source contents in the target document.
Does Doc4J support this directly, if not Is this supported through the extension?
4. Embedded objects
All three formats, Word, Excel and PowerPoint, can be inserted as embedded objects using OLE. In Word 2007 with is accomplished through Insert > Object > Object... > Create from File.
This leave each file in it's own separate stream inside the .docx.
Does docx4j support this?
Can some one validate my findings and share some thoughts for the questions raised?
Thank you.