Background: We are investigating wether we can use Docx4j in our reporting chain. One of the requirements would be a GUI authoring tool and nested repeats.
When experimenting with the Authoring tool, I've been running into a few issues. Notably around repeats.
Word version: 15.0.4724.1003 | Windows 7 latest SP
1. Consistently repeatable: At a certain point in the XML, we can no longer drag the nodes into the word file. Every XML leaf up to and including "/group[1]/resourceusetree[1]/events[1]/event[1]/name[1]" can be dragged. Everything beyond that is results in unbound controls. Both data and repeats.
Any attempt to clean up, modify, change line endings, etc. and replacing the xml of the docx file has had no result. We can recreate this problem on different installations.
Strangely, it seems to be related to the docx file itself. creating a blanc new docx file and trying the bindings again works as intended.
Note: Original file (attached) was created using a Dutch + Belgian Office installation. The working docx was created later using an English Office installation.
2. Trying a repeat in a repeat in a repeat, I caused Word to crash. Since then, this file is no longer usable. I can't use this file to generate an interred & bound docx/pdf using docx4j no more. Some diagnostics in both the authoring tool and docx4j would be nice.
Note: Original file (attached) was created using English Office.
3. Using the Authoring tool (friendly) and Authoring advanced causes Word to behave erratically. Which is the preferred tool? We prefer the friendly of course.
4. The tool is easily confused what field you have selected (for the edit, remove mappings, etc.). Is this a Word limitation or could this be improved?
5. Add-in feedback: It would be nice to not only have the inspection of the XML, but also a generated DOCX based on the internal (or supplied) XML. This to be able to test the repeats. Using advanced repeats in conjunction with tables does require "live" previews to be able to debug. My take on this is that it doesn't have to run in a web service, but could just open up a generated (inserted and bound) docx file in Word itself.
edit: fix numbering.