docx4j is working very well for us. Thanks!
When updating a docx file, with a repeating row, multiple times via preprocess/applybindings, the XPathIDs and XPaths of the cell contents have the "row"/etc. numbers expanded, which get longer and longer with each update via XML.
Before I dig further into it, is there a simple (or not so simple) method to, prior to the next XML update,
1. delete all the table rows except the first (to get it back to the initial template state), and
2. to set my XPathIDs and XPaths (and associated bindings/mappings) for the remaining repeat table row back to the "virgin" state during my updates, e.g., restore:
to table_1_field1 as the control field's XPathID
and to restore:
to /yourxml/table_1/table_1_field1?
I saw references to the RemovalHandler, but am unsure if that is part of the solution.
Thanks, Frank.