Hey Jason,
we need your help regarding word processing. We use docx4j since version 2.0.6. The files attachted are created with the nevest version (by maven)
We have a working wordfile. When this is used as template, we get no errors and the file can be opened.
.1.1 template file is: Anwaltsvollmacht_Urkopie.docx
.1.2 successful processed file is: Anwaltvollmacht_TESCHT.docx
We needed to modify the file. We only took few lines away and got errors while processing the file. If we open the file we got an error "... non readable content within..."
.2.1 template file is: Anwaltsvollmacht_Urkopie_2.docx
.2.2 processed file is: Anwaltvollmacht_TESCHT_2.docx (with errors)
can you tell us whats wrong with our template file? We use docx4j for many template files and never got these errors. Try it: take the .1.1 file and change only few lines. You will get the error "blabla... no readable content".
What did we wrong?