docx4j 8.2.8 is now in Maven Central.
This is a very minor release, only adding a dedicated part (KeyMapCustomizationsPart) for template command group (wne:tcg), which contains customizations for keyboard shortcuts and toolbars in Microsoft Word.
This is expected to be the last release in the 8.2 series. The next 8.x release will be 8.3.0, which will use the new "Jakarta" JAXB packaging.
To use 8.2.8 via Maven, just add one and only one of docx4j-JAXB-Internal (Java 8 only), docx4j-JAXB-MOXy, or docx4j-JAXB-ReferenceImpl to your pom.
Otherwise, see
Minimum supported Java version is 8.0