Mar 16 2014

docx4j and Google Drive

Given the news this week about Google lowering prices per GB on Google Drive, I thought it would be timely to explore interop with docx4j. is a small project which demonstrates:

Clone the project, and set it up using Maven in your IDE.  I’m not going to tell you how to do that.
Enabling the Drive API
From there, it is fairly straightforward  (assuming you have a Google account); you just need to enable the Drive API: set up a project and application in the Developers Console:
  • press the red “CREATE NEW CLIENT ID” button, then choose application type “Installed Application”; I then chose subtype “Other”
  • hit the “Download JSON” button; save it as client_secret.json in your project dir

Run our code

OK, now try running Docx4jUploadToGoogleDrive

It ought to say something like:

Please open the following URL in your browser then type the authorization code:…

Paste the auth code into your IDE’s console (, probably the same place which displayed the above message) then press enter.  If you aren’t logged into your Google account in your browser, its at this point that you’ll be asked to log in.

The code will create a new docx file, and after uploading it, if successful, report the File ID allocated by Google Drive:

File ID: 0CyHdofN18p16OF9YWWNFUFdmTjg

The other 2 samples require you to provide an auth code the same way (each time you run them).  Obviously, you’d be more sophisticated than this in a production application.  See further

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