May 24 2012

docx4j 2.8.0 released

I’m pleased to say that docx4j 2.8.0 is now released.

What is docx4j?

docx4j is an open source (Apache v2) library for working with docx, pptx, and xslx files, based around  JAXB.

What’s new?

The headline feature is XHTML import.  docx4j can convert XHTML to Word document content, formatting it based on the CSS.  Images and tables are supported. See the ConvertInXHTMLDocument and ConvertInXHTMLFragment samples.

Where do you get it?

See our downloads page or:

Binaries: You can download a jar alone or a zip with all deps or pick and choose.  If you’re upgrading from 2.7.1, you need the  docx4j jar and:

Source: the source code is on GitHub at; here’s how to setup docx4j source code

Maven: docx4j 2.8.0 is in Maven Central.  Here is a guide to getting started (where it says 2.7.1, just use 2.8.0).

Getting Started

See the “Getting Started” guide, in html docx or pdf flavours.

There is lots of sample code here (freshly reviewed for 2.8.0).


If you are looking for help (and have read the Getting Started Guide :-) ), you can post in our forums, or on Stack Overflow (where there is a docx4j tag).

Thanks to our contributors

A number of contributions have made this release what it is; thanks very much to those who contributed.

Contributors to this release and a more complete list of changes may be found in README.txt

Thanks also to those who have +1’d pages on this website, or tweeted or blogged about docx4j, which is critical to expanding the docx4j community!

2 Responses so far

  1. 1

    tuan said,

    February 22, 2013 @ 6:07 pm

    Hi Jason Harrop. Can you help me how to write docx file with multiple columns as ms word. i need it to present a poem. thanks you !

  2. 2

    Jason said,

    May 15, 2013 @ 7:38 am

    docx4j 2.8.1 was released 30 September 2012, but it seems I didn’t make a blog post about that.

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